Monday, October 24, 2011

Congratulations to William Bacarella!

Dear all, 

Our On the Other Hand Animation Show is going into our final week or presentation.
Please visit Hyde Park, Southside Hub of Productions to view our animations and art by the artists!

Also, here is a little announcement, one of our artists from OTOH Animation show won the 2011 Undergraduate Film/ Video Festival Awards! Congratulations to William!


Undergrad Fest Awards Announced!
Friday, October 21st was our Closing Games celebration.  In the 280 Project Space we added 4 more installations by Chelsea Hoff, Miah Michelson-Jones, Meg Dancy and Yaloo Pop.  The pieces and the people interacted incredible well as they shed light on one another.
We also announced the awards!  The jury & ExTV saw so much fascinating, skilled, one-of-a-kind work, it was difficult to decide.  Thanks to everyone for participating and sharing your work with the school.

2011 Undergraduate Film/Video Festival Awards

Presented by ExTV

Movie Goer Awards (Free passes for Gene Siskel Film Center, DocFilms and Odd Obsession Video Rentals):
1. “Well-DOCumented Award” – Greg Reigh – Brother
2: “The Odd Obsession Award”
- Riley McBride- Penile Dentata
3: “Big Screen Award”
- Francisco Cordero-Ocegera- Seranade to a failed Piece
The Best (Buy) Award
(Best Buy Gift Certificate) : James Ferguson “Transmission”
VDB “George Kuchar” Award (George Kuchar DVD box set): William Bacarella “Birth of a Paragon”
Caffeine Award (Intellegensia Gift Certificate):  Jen Swann “Born with it”
Made It Award
(Utrecht Gift Certificate): It was a tie!:
Alfredo Salazar-Caro – “The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory” (video installation)
Kayla Anderson -  “(She is Reading About Displays and What They Mean…) (video installation)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Behind the Scenes

William Bacarella's Home on the screen.
Simon Allen
Samantha Lotti
Jenna Caravello
Vicky Yen
Hallway to our Dead End Theater. Work by Samantha Lotti on the left.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

the opening

Samantha Lotti drawing arrows to direct audience to our Dead End Theater. 

 It's been 13 days after the opening. It's time to show some photos of our show!~
( I will do that tomorrow)
And for people who still wants to see the work, it's up there mostly everyday from 11am to 4pm. I do suggest you go on weekends and also enjoy some good food in Hyde Park.

Good night people~

Monday, October 3, 2011

Show Times? for the following until the Halloween~

Dear all,

A Still from Vicky Yen's animation, "Nien" from the OTOH show.

Our show at the opening for the Southside Hub of Production was very very successful. I heard some marvelous feed backs. Thank you for coming on Oct 1st.

For the people who couldn't make it to the opening, don't worry, there will be more opportunities to see our animations! Right at this point, we will soon figure out the general viewing schedules, but the show will definitely be open for audience on weekends for sure! Please visit the SHoP website for more information. (see our Links on your right hand side!)

and of course, follow us!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tonight at 7:00 PM!

Tonight, starting from 5 pm, there will be 15 mins screenings every hour in the SHoP!

Besides our On the Other Hand Animation Show, we will have a 15 mins screening at 7 PM in the big screening room! It will be showing animations by Vicky Yen, "Ai Ai", a charcoal on paper animation; three little smart yet sinister 2D puppet animations by Samantha Lotti,  "Don't Get Ahead of Yourself", " In the Park", and her new piece for the OTOH (On the Other Hand), "Dressed to Kill".

Finally, our talented Jenna Caravello, who is not just an awesome animator, but a wonderful storyteller and artist, showing three of her major work completed in the same year 2011! Including her new work, "The Pillow's Green", also for OTOH.
Still from The Pillow's Green

Friday, September 30, 2011

Southside Hub of Production Open House Oct. 1st

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the screening, and here's the website where you can find the info needed to join us:

The On the Other Hand animation screening is at 7pm, but there will be other screenings, one every hour, that are really worth attending. It all starts at 4pm. The OTOH animators will be there starting at 4, so if you too want to be cool, come join us early.

See you on the South Side!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Still from William Bacarella's Work: Home

Getting so excited for the screening this weekend!!! This is a still from William Bacarella's work called Home.

Remember, the screening is at 7pm at the South Side Hub of Production, 5638 S. Woodlawn Ave, Chicago.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Today's Mascot as We Come in for a Landing...

Taken from:

Collecting Work is Fun

9th floor is a fun playground for hard working graduated artists!
Today Jenna, Sam and I are here collecting artists work and keep working on editing and sound. I got Simon and Bill's animations!

And we see our beloved filmmaker Crispin Rosenkranz on site! How exciting~

Monday, September 26, 2011

Done with AE for the night! YESSSS!!!

Just finished stringing it all together! This is what I look like after 4 hours at a computer....

Upside is I'm about to go home and cook :) Vicky, fortunately, was in the vicinity all evening. At least someone sane was around.

Pablo the Animation Super Hero

Thanks to Pablo I was able to download my pics from my memory card to a school computer and work on AE all evening. Thanks Pablo for being awesome :) And for animating over 400 frames for the show!

One more day of hard work peoples!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Exercise Time!

Good Morning Filmmakers!

No matter you animate with your left hand or your right hand
Your left foot your right, your mouth your tongue, don't forget to let your eyes rest every 45 mins to 1 hour!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

On the Other Hand Animation Show Press Volume 1

We want to invite you to come to this animation show called On The Other Hand. This show will take place in Hyde Park, at the grand opening of an artist collective called SHoP on 5638 S Woodlawn.

The artists that participate in the show must animate using their alternative hand. 
1. To give your usual hard-working hand a rest. 2. We do this to forget the mechanical habits of the normal-use hand, and to flex our brains. 3. It will look so great!!

So come join us and see some wiggly-ticklely fun animation!