Monday, March 26, 2012

It's Spring Time!

Dear Animators,

Don't forget to move your arms and flap them like wings after long hours of hunching your back against tables and computers.

On the Other Hand Animation Show was inspired by the idea of exercising your alternative side of brain and physical body. Although there isn't another show coming up soon, once in a while it's good to flexible your baby muscles.

Go out, hang out, call out, bean sprouts!!

Here is a song for you~
It was the opening song for a children show in Taiwan when I was a kid: Pop Corn Song!
Learn new language through kids songs is a great way to exercise your brain too!!

Have a wonderful Spring of 2012!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Are you ready to do another round?

Oh my Dear Animators,

Are you ready to go for another round of On the Other Hand Animation Show Part 2??!
If you are ready, say AHOY~!!! Lets sail the boat to the sea~~

If you are not ready, say YOHA~!!! And lets all warm up, pretty soon we will be going for our second round of other-hand-other-brain exercise.
